Friday, October 06, 2006


I made lasagna last night for dinner, with tons left over, of course, and I'm wondering why it has such a reputation for being difficult and time consuming. It took me less time to make this meal from start to finish than most of the other dinners I make, and 45 minutes of that time was spent playing with my babies! (The lasagna was in the oven.) They make the lasagna noodles that you don't have to boil first and those are pretty good. But really, it only takes a few minutes to boil the noodles, so it's not a very big deal.

So . . . I'm asking everyone to go ahead and make some lasagna for your families! You can even put it all together in the morning or the night before, go to work and pop it in the oven when you get home!

You'll be glad you did it!

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

I just made lasagna too. I probably haven't done it in three years! I hate the prep work for lasagna (and the regular less expensive noodles don't need to be boiled either) so I made two at once and put the extra in the freezer. Now I won't have to make it next time!