Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sarah's Purpose

I often wonder what Katie and Josie think of Sarah. They sometimes play around her as if she isn't there. But then, other times, they act like there's nothing else on Earth but her.

I think Katie and Josie have finally discovered Sarah's purpose, though. She's here to smile, to laugh, and, above all, to be kissed!

If I mention Sarah's name and she's in the room, Katie and Josie go kiss her. If Josie hears Katie say "Hi-yeeee," in the special, high pitched way she does just for Sarah, Josie will go kiss her. If we are looking at the pictures on the wall and they see Sarah, they will go find her and kiss her.

That's Sarah's purpose: To be loved and kissed!

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

You could post something to let everyone know you and the babies are alive!