Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hard To Say Goodbye

When Jennie moved to Colorado, those many years ago, it seems, she left behind two birds. A parakeet named Ellie and her nameless companion became mine. Ellie was a purebred bird who was full of problems, but she had a very cool personality. She died before I moved out of my parents house, leaving Maynard all alone. (Actually, I named him May and then found out later that he was a boy . . . that's the reason for the odd name.)

When I moved in with Sam, he was having fun training May. For Christmas one year, I got him a younger bird, more easily trained. From there we wound up getting 4 more of them! Various things have happened to them over the past few years and we now have three birds. (May died, ironically enough, this May.)

With three babies taking up all my time, the birds were being neglected. They were fed and watered, their litter changed when absolutely required and that was it. We used to take them out of their cage and hold them or let them fly, but with three babies to worry about, I couldn't keep cleaning up that much mess, so they've been cage bound since the twins were born.

A friend at Sam's work loves birds and she offered to give them a good and loving home. So, with a sad fairwell, I sent Sam to work with our three remaining birds.

He called today, wondering if we were doing the right thing to let them go. He's had them in his office all day and he's been enjoying their company. Chuck (a female parakeet) has been sitting on his hand or shoulder (not sure how he's working with her on his hand . . .) for a few hours and he's in love with them again.

"If I bring them home, where will we put them?"

This was one of our problems since the babies were born. They've been living messily in our kitchen.

"I think we should start paying attention to them"

We should have done that a long time ago! I just don't have time or energy enough to play with these animals. If Sam can give them the attention they need, that's fine. But he's not home that often and when he is, he's often tired. Will he really want to play with them?

His boss wants them to stay at the office, out in the main area, and be office pets! That's fine with me. As long as they are loved. Sam kind of wants to keep them in his office. Again, that's just fine. If we can find a way for them to get the attention they crave, I'm all for it.

Sometimes it's too hard to say goodbye to old friends.

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