Tuesday, August 22, 2006

On Sarah and Sleep

Sunday night didn't go so well for Sarah and I. Something must have been bothering her, because she just couldn't fall fast asleep all night. I was up nearly every half hour with her, snuggling and loving her. She would nurse for a few minutes, mostly for comfort, and then fall fitfully asleep. The best sleep I got that night was with her laying on my chest.

Last night got off to a rocky start and I though I was in for another tough night. Around 11:00 she started to even out a bit. I cuddled and fed her around midnight, then 1:30, then 3:00. When I put her down that last time, she was very asleep and she let me move her arms and legs so they weren't all smooshed. She slept until 8:00 when the alarm went off.

It was the first time she slept that long at night! (She's slept for four hours during the day, but never when it's dark.) I see this as a great step forward.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Don't get too excited! If she didn't sleep well the night before, she was probably just catching up. Rosie's been sleeping (usually) through the night, which she does occasionally for a few weeks before returning to frequent waking, and she's two! I'm afraid interrupted nights are the norm until around two and a half.