Monday, August 21, 2006

Progress and Problems

In the organization of our house, we have made huge strides these last few months. We've managed to finally move rooms around the way we want them, the Kitchen has been reorganized, we've thrown some things away that we just didn't need anymore. We have such a long way to go, though. I have so many ideas about how to better use our spaces. In my mind I've mapped out the plan of how to get it all done.

The problem: It all depends on one small closet being cleaned out. Sounds so simple. If I can just get this closet cleaned and ready for the things that are supposed to be in it, everything else will have a permanent home.

This closet lives in our new office. It has a few hanging clothes for the girls (because the closet in their room isn't cleaned yet because some of the stuff there has to come in here . . . lol) a box or two of "office" stuff that we haven't touched since we moved in here (I know, I know, I should just toss that stuff away!), and a few useful things that will stay. If I can get this done and the office things moved out of the baby room everything else will neatly fall into place (according to my brain plan!)

So why am I typing this post about my closet instead of cleaning it? Procrastination. I really don't want to do it. And now that I've vented about it, I think I'll take a few minutes to see how much I can get done.

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