Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bacon (Updated!)

I recently saw a show about bacon and ways to cook it. I tried one way today and I'm in love!

Take a cookie sheet (the kind with the edges on it) and put a rack inside it (you can use the rack you cool your cookies on). Lay your bacon on it in one layer and broil it for about 5-8 minutes! It's so easy . . .no flipping or getting spattered. The grease collects in the pan and the bacon comes out crispy and flat. If you like it a little chewy, just cook it a minute less.


** Amber, I saw this on "Good Eats" on the Food Network. One of my favorite cooking shows! Also . . . If you want to add a counter to your blog, just click on my counter and it will take you to the page where you can sign up for free ones.

Beckie, I never liked microwaved bacon. It seems too tough. Try it in the oven one day. You can start it and go ahead and cook your other breakfast items while your bacon takes care of itself. Just set a timer so you don't forget it! lol. **


Our lovestory... said...

I thought that I had invented this idea! Someone is snooping in my house and stealing my ideas! What show did you see this on?

I have never cooked bacon in a pan - I rarely ever use oil and don't saute things much. Cooking bacon like that grossed me out. I actually only cook turkey bacon. I do exactly what Sandie suggested and put a cheap Walmart cooling rack into a jelly-roll pan and "bake" by bacon. One tip I like to use though - I line my pan with aluminum foil so that clean-up is a breeze. The rack gets slightly grimy, but it is easy to clean.

I just made bacon on Saturday and while reading Good Housekeeping later that day I was thinking to myself that I should send in my tip to a magazine for their little "helpful hints" sections!

Funny how you just posted this!


Our lovestory... said...

p.s. Can you/someone share with me how to put a blogpatrol on our blog?


Beckie Russell said...

When I was in Home Ec in 8th grade, we had to prepare a lunch. . .our's was bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. We made our bacon in a similar fashion, but in the microwave. . .the teacher even had a special ridged plate to put the bacon on in the microwave. I thought it was a weird way to cook bacon at the time, but I guess it worked. . .

Niki said...

sounds good

in other news:
Some of us are waiting for pictures of the twins plus 1... ahem!...