Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy November

Here's Sarah as a lion from yesterday. Isn't she so cute??

It's a new month and, though I didn't accomplish all my resolutions from last month, it's time to move on to a new set. I thought about putting some goals up like 'make Christmas Cards' or 'finish all gift shopping' but I've decided to use my resolutions to fix daily habits. I've modified my kitchen resolution. I suppose I think that rewording it will make it happen easier, but the reality is I just need to get off my rear in the evenings and do the work. Keeping up with it all during the day will help too, so there isn't so much to do after the kids go to bed and I'm worn out.

Getting up earlier will help with that too, hence my second resolution. If only I didn't know where that darned snooze button was!

Lastly, I read to my babies everyday, but I don't read for very long and I'd like to either read for longer or more often through the day. I don't read before bedtime because they are so tired by then that they actually complain that I'm still in their room! lol So i will find other times through our day to work in a good book or two.

Good luck with your new month! I hope it's a happy and healthy one for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the wording of a goal does matter. I always tell my students to set manageable goals for themselves (usually regarding homework) when they make resolutions. For kids that haven't been doing any homework, resolving to complete ALL homework just isn't realistic. Instead, if they say they'll spend 1 solid hour a night doing homework (for any class) that's enough. Maybe even just half an hour.

We have to do the same thing for ourselves. If getting the entire kitchen clean is too much, then just getting the counters cleaned off might be enough. And once that goal is under your belt and a breeze to do daily, add something else. Small steps. That's what the monthly resolution thing is about, I think.

I often bite off more than I can chew too, and hardly ever keep my resolutions. I'll have to take my own advice!