Monday, October 16, 2006


It's cold. Not so cold that I am moved to turn on the heat yet, but still. It's cold enough that it makes me want to avoid all the many tasks I have to do that involve exiting my warm house. I don't think we sank to freezing last night, but we weren't too far away from it, either. Right now it's about 48 degrees and, though it is forecasted that we'll hit 60 and maybe more, I just don't believe well make it over 55. This kind of weather always makes me crazy. I dress very warm in the mornings, wonder why I'm so darned warm in the afternoons and find myself shivering in the evenings. Crazy.

But on the bright side, there are tons of beautiful leaves falling everywhere and the whole world looks festive. Bright oranges and yellows and reds adorn my lawn and probably will for several weeks. The babies all love to play in the leaves, hearing them crunch and watching them scatter before their flailing feet. Great fun to be had by all, though it be chilly fun!


Jennie C. said...

It's chilly here, too. The house was only 58 degrees when I got up, and it was 54 outside. Now there is cloud cover and no chance of particularly warm temperatures, but the fire has cozied up the living room and I'm nearly ready to start my chores. I know, it's only noon. No sense starting early!

Our lovestory... said...

I am TICKLED that you have us as a link! Thanks, Sandie!

Here in Wisconsin we've already had snow! It didn't stick to the ground for too long, but it was here!

Jason turned the heat on in Sept... I would prefer to save the money, however since I also like being warm, I didn't argue! We keep it at 66 and hope that it doesn't turn on unless it needs to!

Stay warm,