Saturday, October 14, 2006

Strange Sleep Today

Sarah did just fine. She grabbed about an hours worth of nap when she was supposed to. But Katie and Josie didn't sleep at all!

We were at Grandma Russells house today and no napping happened for the twins. So on the way home, all energy completely expended playing with grandma's toys, the girls were asleep after less than a minute in the car. I was rough with them on the way into the house. I didn't want them to stay asleep. There were only two hours left until bedtime, after all, and I was certain I could keep them busy enough to stay awake with dinner and bath time for at least an hour. They weren't having any of that, however. They stubbornly stayed asleep through my jostling and not-so-gentle poking. So I laid them in their cribs, unceremoniously pulling their shoes off as I did it. Still, they slept. And slept. And cried! But not until they'd had two hours of sleep! (I thought they just might make it through the night. Oh well.)

Now, all three of my children are playing in the livingroom while they should be at least dressed for bed. They are not. And likely won't be for another hour or so. Maybe we'll spend some extra time reading tonight, to make sure they are good and tired.

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