Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sneak Attack

She watched from her position by the couch as her sisters played down the hall. It was a game she was familiar with, as she has watched it a hundred times before. One big sister would crawl around the corner and wait for the other big sister to crawl after her. When their eyes met, they would laugh uncontrollably for a moment and then race back up the hall. It varied slightly now and then, sometimes running or "monster walking" would replace the crawling, but the fundamental game never changed.

She slowly lowered herself from her standing position, a quirky little grin on her face. With all the stealth she could muster she slowly made her way down the hall, occasionally distracted by a toy or carelessly discarded sock. Her distractions only augmented her plan, however. She finally made it to the corner at just the right moment. Both of her big sisters were there, just finishing the laughing part of their game and preparing to crawl back up the hall. When they turned they were greeted by the happy face of Sarah and, to her delight, they laughed at her!

Now, with Sarah permanently seated in just the right spot, all three of my babies are in danger of expiring from laughing fits and I just can't help it. I'm laughing right along with them!

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