Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For those of you with mixers . . . or Spaetzle

If you have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, there are thousands of recipes that are now incredibly easy for you. Before I give you my latest discovery, why don't you check out my sister Jennie's incredible bread recipe? I use this same technique once a week and keep my family in fresh bread with just a few minutes work.

I recommend that you start picking up attachments for your mixer (ask for them for birthday and Christmas!). Most of the attachments do far more than their names imply. My tip today involves the meat grinder.

In a conversation with Jennie (you did check out her bread recipe, right? If you didn't, your really missing out. Go ahead. I'll wait here. Did you do it? Okay . . .keep reading!) a long while ago, she mentioned that she was trying to make spaetzle but didn't have a spaetzle maker. I recommended a cookie press might do the trick, but I have recently found that if you extrude your pasta dough through the meat grinder attachment, with the blade in place, you get a pasta that looks and feels a lot like spaetzle!

If you don't have a stand mixer or just don't have this attachment, you can probably do it with the cookie press. . . Did it work for you, Jen?


Jennie C. said...

No, no the cookie press didn't work. Just made a gloppy, gluey inedible mess. I forgot about making speatzle, since I only want to do that on german cooking day, but I do have a new and unused meat grinder.

Anonymous said...

I believe spaetzle may be made with a large colendar, the kind you drain macaroni in (if you do it that way.)

You put some dough in the bottom and push it through the holes.

I don't know if it works but I did read it somewhere.
