Thursday, September 28, 2006

Baby Pictures

The other day, I decided to try to get a picture of all three kids together on the couch. They were all wearing the same thing, thanks to a recent bargain at Wal-Mart, and I thought it would make a cute picture. So here is the progression of shots I managed:

We started out fairly strong:

But I wasn't happy with how far forward Katie was sitting, so I said "Give Sarah Kisses!"

Josie was very into the whole process, but Katie just didn't want to cooperate. Sarah was happy to have lots of sisterly contact. I pushed Katie back on the couch and snapped another:

Now Sarah was trying to get off the couch! So I scooted her back . . .

Right after I snapped that one, Katie hopped down, having tired of her ordeal. So I grabbed a quick few of just Josie and Sarah. Here, Josie is trying to play "Puckie" (That's "Peek-A-Boo for those of you who don't speak baby)

I love this picutre of Josie . . . She just looks so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Oh - I love these babies.

I also loved talking to them on the phone.

Beckie Russell said...

great pics, sandie. They are so adorable. All of them, with personalities to match. Love you and see you all soon!