Friday, October 06, 2006

Failed Experiment

Well, I had very high hopes, I suppose. But the reality just didn't work out like I thought it should. I wanted all of my babies sleeping in the same room. Until Sarah evens out to a predictable sleep schedule, however, I just don't think it's going to work.

I figured that after a couple of weeks of us going in and out of the room at night, the twins would get used to it and not mind. However, the reality is that sometimes they don't mind and sometimes they do! A lot! Last night, Josie got so upset she threw up. Not fun.

So, for now, we will be making some space in the office, moving desks downstairs, and Sarah will have to bunk with the piano for a little while. I think if we can get her to go to bed and then only need me once a night or so, we'll be able to bunk them all together again.

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