Friday, October 06, 2006

Cookie Dough!

Next time you are mixing a batch of your favorite cookie dough ( I really like chocolate chip) make a double batch. Then put the extra dough in a container and store it in the bottom of your refridgerator, near the back is best. It will keep there for at least two weeks and be ready for your next sweet attack!

(I have to admit that I've never had cookie dough waiting that long . . . )


Jennie C. said...

Even better, scoop into cookie sized lumps on a sheet of wax paper, freeze them, then bag them. They keep indefinitely, and you can just pop a dozen on a pan and bake as usual. No thawing required.

Beckie Russell said...

I like this idea. I used to do something similar with Angie's pureed foods. Sounds even more delicious with cookie dough, though!