Sunday, October 22, 2006


In menu planning, I find that I tend to rotate through a few favorites all the time. Meatloaf, Teriyaki Chicken, Pizza, Shells or Ravioli or Lasagna. I asked Sam what his favorite meal was to see if I could gat some new ideas. His answer, which I had already guessed, was steak.

We discussed a few other things which have since become a part of our menus, but I still feel like I don't have enough variety. Most especially in my side dishes. So I have a question for my visitors:

What is your favorite dinner? And what are your two favorite side dishes? Especially ways to prepare veggies. . .

Thanks for the help!


Jennie C. said...

Personally, I LOVE cookbooks. Especially the ones that read like a book. Anyway, every where I've lived, I've acquired a regional cookbook or two, plus I have several all-purpose books and a few specialty books that focus on nothing but, say, bread or soups. I also regularly check out cookbooks from the library...mexican, irish, american (?)...and I usually find a recipe or two in there. Then, of course, there is Search for what you want, say, pork chops, but don't stop scrolling till you find a FIVE STAR recipe. Do not try anything else. Five stars or nothing. This will help you find some variety.

How do I meal plan? I've easily got thirty different recipes we all like, but I focus on the main dish. I seldom dress up veggies with more than butter or salt, and mostly we eat them "unseasoned". Side dishes? Rice, potatoes, pasta, depends on the main dish. Light entrees like fish need a heavier side. Egg noodles won't do. Saucy dishes need to be served with rice or pasta. Soup and pasta definitely get bread. If there are a lot of veggies in the entree, I don't worry about a side. Fresh tomato soup doesn't need green beans.

Personally, in light of my last weeks meal fiasco, and my short memory of things we like, I'm working on a master list for my notebook. Basically, the meal and where to find the recipe with a list of the ingredients to add to my shopping list. Should save me some time hunting through books, especially since even my favorite books only have about six recipes I use.

Beckie Russell said...

I also am left feeling dissatisfied by my choices of side dishes and veggies. I am most often upset with my potato choices (mashies, oven potatoes or baked potatoes) and rice is usually very bland. I also often forget which dishes I know how to make and like and so I rotate through a very few dishes each week ... I need to take Jennie's suggestion and make a list of what we like and use those in random sequences.

Anyway, I do have a few side dishes that aren't so plain.

Cheesy Egg Noodles (just add butter and parmesan cheese...a favorite of Angie's).

Rice Pilaf (white rice, chopped bacon, peas and carrots, sauteed onion, a bit of the bacon grease and some parmesan cheese) (I usually only use this one with a simple meat like Shake'nBaked chicken or simple pan fried pork chops)

Spring Vegetable Medley (2 zucchini, 3 yellow squash, 1 red bell pepper(julienned), 2carrots (julienned), 1onions (in rings) all sauteed with a mixture of spices (1/2 tsp each) including salt, pepper, basil, thume, and rosemary. I go a little light on the salt though).

Spanish style Beans ( one can of goya (or other) pink beans or black beans and follow the recipe on the back of the goya can...I often throw in some Sazon for flavor even if the recipe doesn't ask for it).

I have a set of ricipe cards that I like to use alot, partly because they're easier than books because you only need the one card you're using for the recipe and partly because the dishes are often easy to prepare and don't require a ton of my time.