Thursday, October 19, 2006

Blatherings of a Tired Mommy

I clicked the "new post" button without actually having a specific topic in mind and, please note the time, it's late and I'm sleepy. I felt badly about having no new posts today, so here I am.

You might be greeted by different colors and layouts on my blog over the next few weeks. I plan on trying a few new things out including entire templates. I want to find something that I'm really happy with and currently, this dark blue with spots everywhere isn't doing it. Kinda makes me dizzy. 'Specially when I'm sleepy.

I got to visit a bit with Jess and her family today.(Please see side bar under family and friends for a link to her blog. I'm sleepy and can't remember her url to put a link where her name is in this paragraph. Really, you only need to visit her blog once a month and cross your fingers. She doesn't post much. Busy, she says. Did I mention I'm sleepy?) It was a little strange. The circumstances surrounding her visit and the fact that I don't know her even a little made it very difficult, so mostly I played with kids. We took lots of pictures and if I can swipe them from Mommy's camera I'll post a few of Andrew and Mandy. They have gotten so very big. Of course that's quite likely to happen in two years . . .

You may wonder, what with my obvious lack of coherent thought brought on by profound, um, sleepiness, why I'm still up. My sweet darling is out working right now, meeting with a client/friend and I hate to go to bed when he's not home. He doesn't have to go to bed when I do, though I like that a lot. I just like knowing he's home safe and sound before I give in to oblivion. Okay. Actually it's never the oblivion I'm hoping for. I have an 8 month old who demands quite a bit of attention at night so I never quite get to reach oblivion. But I always hope.

Speaking of Sarah (are you keeping up with my rambling or should I stop now . . .) she successfully slept in her own room last night. She often wakes up every hour or so for the first part of the night (from about 7:30 till 11:00) and I think that's because Sam and I are still up then. Last night, she went to sleep around 11:15 and didn't wake up until 4:00!!! Then she was with me for 45 minutes and I put her back in her room until she woke up just after 8:30 in the morning. It was great. The only problem was that my breasts were huge in the morning!!!! When sleeping in our room she woke up more often to eat.

Thank you for putting up with my ramblings tonight. (Or today, because you probably aren't reading this until the morning . . .lol)


1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

:-) You can give me a call this afternoon if you have free time...Or maybe I'll call you around two.