Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Basement Progress

Back in July I wrote about my horrible basement and my run in with cave crickets. I can happily report that my cricket problem is drastically reduced now and my basement is slowly shaping itself into what it should be! My current project is the laundry area. I hate laundry. I usually run down, throw a load in and run out of the room as fast as possible. It's just not a nice place, all dark and dismal. So I'm trying to turn it into a place I don't mind being.

Do you have any special things you've done to make laundry a better task?


Beckie Russell said...

When I turned the basement of my old apartment into a martial arts training room, I did 2 things that made it seem brighter and less scary...I painted the walls bright white and installed a large mirror (which is also useful in training). At least painting your area might make it seem more inviting, as well as installing shelving to organize and maybe even an indoor/outdoor carpet...a cheapy if you can find one.

Our lovestory... said...

I've got a rug in front of the washer and dryer to help make it not seem so dismal down there. I also keep a pair of slippers at the top of the stairs to slip on so that my feet never have to touch that cement floor!
