Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Baby Steps

Recently we have all taken a few backwards steps around here. I'm hoping to find positive ways to correct that. I've been slacking on the house work which is really inexcusable. I could cry 'too many babies to keep up with' but the reality is that I'm just lazy about it.

Sarah, after fooling me into thinking she was ready to sleep longer at night by sleeping straight through three nights in a row, has swung the complete opposite way. Last night I had to sleep with her the whole night while she nursed every 15 minutes it seemed. It was probably not that often, but it sure felt like it.

Katie and Josie haven't been napping very well. They don't go directly to sleep at nap time, though they have no problem sleeping at bed time. I'm convinced it's due to a lack of day time routine. Once we hit dinner time around here there is a set script that rarely changes and they go right to sleep when asked. I'm trying to create a similar script for midday too. Maybe that will help.

As for Sam . . . No backwards steps there. He's perfect. Even when he has a tough day at work and comes home to a messy house, he's ready to take on his roll as jungle gym and baby-hugger. He happily entertains three babies at dinner, diapers three babies after bath, allows three babies to climb all over him or beg for a quick last-minute toss in the air, and kisses three babies goodnight. And then he's there for one more baby . . . Me!

Yup. He's perfect!

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