Friday, August 18, 2006

Sweet and Sour

Josie is unpredictable. Sometimes she is madly in love with her sisters and wants to kiss them over and over. Then, just a moment later, she is going after them, with blocks in her hands or some other hard toy, and beating them in the head! I really don't know what to do with her anymore.

I could feed the twins Cream Of Wheat non stop. ("What is she talking about" you're wondering, right? This seems so out of left field!) Hear me out . . .

Whenever we have cream of wheat, the girls kiss each other. They watch as each takes a bite and then, rather like the blueberry situation , they kiss.

Okay . . . really . . . I have no idea what to do about Josie. How do you make a 17 month old understand that she can't hit her sister, who is too little to help her understand? I've tried all kinds of things, so I'm now open to suggestions.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Consistency. A firm no and take away the offending item, putting it up out of reach. She'll get the message. If that doesn't work, though, time out probably will. You can just tell her firmly "we don't hit" as you take her to somewhere isolated. She won't stand in a corner most likely, though you can make her, but your time is at a premium, so the crib might be better. Consistency is the key, though. It has to be bad every time, otherwise she'll learn that sometimes its okay so she'll keep doing it.