Monday, August 21, 2006

Getting Better

I took Jennie's advice and started taking away whatever toy Josie happens to hit Katie with. It seems to be helping. She gets upset with me, which is the reaction I was looking for, and tries to get the toy back. After a few moments she moves on to something else.

I can't quantify the results, but I believe we have had fewer hitting incidents since beginning this new campaign.

Thanks, Jennie!


Jennie C. said...

Oh, you are welcome. One of the benefits of having lots of kids...I've had to deal with almost everything! Of course, it's easier to give other people good advice than it is to take my own. For some reason, when it happens to you, you can't see the forest for the trees, so to speak! It always takes me longer to fix our problems because it takes me longer to figure out what exactly the problem is. Still, I'm glad to be occasionally helpful.

Jennie C. said...

Oh, I also see you've got a blogpatrol link up. Neat, isn't it? I love seeing where all my people come from, though my readership has gone down. Once, I had 57 visitors in one day. Usually, it's about 20, though.

Sandie said...

It amazes me that I didn't think of taking the toy away. If someone else had asked me about it I probably could have come up with that, but not for my own family! So strange. Thanks again.

By they way, we've had far fewer issues today that in the past. And she looks at me when she does it because she knows it's wrong now. She also seems to hit with less force!


Jennie C. said...

Yup, it's always easier to see somebody else's big picture. And never assume they don't understand...or can't! If you just assume they can, they will.