Monday, August 28, 2006

Let's Say Thanks

My friend, Nicole (see link in sidebar), e-mailed me about a web site sponsored by Xerox. They print postcards that are then given to Give2TheTroops to put in their care packages which are sent to our troops overseas. You can go to this site, Lets Say Thanks, and choose a postcard photo and either one of their sentiments or you can write your own.

I'd like to encourage everyone to give this site a quick visit. It will only take a few moments.


Beckie Russell said...

your link doesn't work. I think the www is missing.

Jennie C. said...

This has been bothering me all morning. So, you feel it's important to send messages to "any soldier", someone you don't know, but when you actually had a deployed soldier, you sent him...

I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

Jennie is correct and I am as guilty as anyone. I worried about Dave every single day. I worry about all the troops that won't come home and I feel for the families of our fallen heroes.

I did not do may part while Dave was deployed and for that I humbly ask Dave's forgiveness.

It's easy to let day to day life get in the way but it certainly does not excuse the fact that we did not do our part to make Dave feel loved and thought of.

I hope and pray that Dave will not be depolyed again, but I fear it will come to pass and I for one will not neglect to do my part to let him know we love him.


Beckie Russell said...

Well, at least I'm not hypocritical about it. . .I didn't send Dave anything, and I won't send other soldier's anything either. It's not that I don't appreciate their efforts, it's just not my way. Maybe it should be and that's a flaw, but there you have it.