Monday, August 28, 2006

Finally Growing Up?

For most of my life, being the youngest of four daughters, it seems like I've always been the one asking for or needing help. Always seeking advice. Always learning from my older, wiser sisters how to do things. While this still is, and probably always will be the case, I've felt like I've had something to give back lately. It's a really great feeling. Jennie has asked me some questions about teaching her children music. It felt so good to have knowledge on a subject that someone else actually wanted and needed to know! Beckie just the other day asked for help with her Italian bread. Wow!

It might seem silly, but it feels good to be helping the people who have helped me all of my life! Thank you for all your help, ladies, and I'm happy to reciprocate!

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

It's hard to break out of our pre-assigned roles sometimes, isn't it? Even if that role is only in our own minds.

Just to set the record straight, I have been impressed many times with the things you know and do and I often wonder, "How'd she know that?"

Love you lots!