Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Spitters

When my twins were a bit younger and drinking formula 4 to 5 times a day, they would spit up a lot. Worried, I asked their doctor about it. Since they were healthy otherwise and gaining weight just fine, he diagnosed them as "happy spitters." Angie, my childrens local cousin and a mere two months junior to my twins, hardly spit up at all. In fact, it seemed to be a cause for mild alarm when she did. The twins didn't get passed to anyone with out a ready supply of cloth diapers that we used as spit-up-cloths. I have to admit to some jealousy, here.

I thought for sure, since I am breastfeeding her, that Sarah wouldn't spit so much. I was looking forward to being able to hold a little baby without a cloth. It wasn't meant to be, I suppose. Sarah, though she does it considerably less than my twins, spits up a lot. And while she is certainly cute, I feel somewhat less than "happy" when I recieve her spit! The warm gooey gook running down my arms and dripping everywhere is just not the fun experience that "Happy Spitter" may conjure in your mind. I wonder: Did you all have this problem with your babies?


Jennie C. said...

Um, yes. Burping helps. A little. Just thinking about it, I can smell warm fuzzy baby head, feel a little body snuggled against me. Funny how something so...disgusting makes me long for baby again.

Sandie said...

Thanks for pointing out the sweetness of it. I do burp her a lot, but usually the burp is followed seconds later with, well, an extra present for me! But instead of saying "Eew" I think I'll change that to an "Aww!" I know she won't do it forever.