Saturday, July 08, 2006

Can you tell I'm excited?

Okay. Maybe it's not freedom that uniformed driver will be unloading later today (see last post), but it will certainly make my life out in the wide world much easier with three little ones who can't walk!

This is the newest addition to our family! Three seats, the last one reclines fully, plenty of storage and it folds up easily!

The first carriage I had, where the car seats snapped into the base, was by the same company. It was incredibly well built and easy to use. I'm so excited that I found a triple by them that has many of the features I loved about the old one.

Only problem: Lack of snack trays. I'll certainly need one for the second seat right away and something for the third seat a little later on.

Surely someone out there must sell something that would work. Right?


Jennie C. said...

Wow! That is some stroller!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful but I'm not pushing it by myself when we go walking - or maybe I should. I could use the workout.

Beckie Russell said...

I kept thinking a triple would just be a double with a sidecar. . .or triangular in shape! I'll help mommy push it. . .wait, I'll be pushing my own. Did they have a quad? We can give all of the babies to mommy and chill out somewhere quiet!

Love you sandie. . .can't wait to go a-malling with you and that thing!

Anonymous said...

so where is the stroller? we need some pics of you moving that thing thru the store...
maybee a consumer report on how it handles, MPG, ect. we already know the horsepower rating. hehehehe
