Monday, June 12, 2006

Thank you, Jennie

Jennie recently posted a link to another site called Large Family Logistics where we could all find help with meal planning. I started browsing around the site to see what else I could find help with. While reading about cleaning the dishes and dividing the chores among your children, I realized that I shouldn't be sitting here reading about it . . . I should be doing it.

So, since Thursday, my kitchen has been clean of dirty dishes and my dining room table has been cleaned off continuously since Friday. Saturday, during baby naps, I cleaned and decluttered the kitchen quite a bit, so now we have more room. Without the constant daily chores to worry about(because they were already done!) I was able to look at other things and get them done.

I don't wait to do dishes until there are "enough" of them. I realized how silly that is and now that they are always done, I'm free to think about other things. And I'm happy to have surprise visitors anytime!

So, thank you, Jennie, for planting the seed that grew into a better habit here at the Modersohn house.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

You're welcome!