Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Bit Of Me Time

I got to go to a bridal shower today and I spent a few hours without any other member of my immediate family! The shower was for Terry, Sam's cousin, who is getting married in October. I was asked to take pictures, which is a side hobby of mine lately, and I really enjoyed myself. I was quite professional about the whole thing and heard some comments like, "Did they hire a photographer for this?!" I didn't know most of the people who were there, but I found that I had no problem conversing with everyone. It turns out I've become quite the outgoing woman! It surprises me that I am able to speak so easily with people I don't know when just a handful of years ago I would barely open my mouth in public. I have my husband to thank for that.

I appologize for rambling. This isn't a very well thought out post. And it's late. I'm tired.

At any rate, towards the end of the party, Sam came with the kids to show them off, as requested by his mother. They had a ball running around the big open room for about 45 minutes with their cousin, Hope. They were so tired, in fact, that they were quite thankful to see bath time come. They know now that baths are followed by a little milk and a warm comfy bed!

Speaking of which, I'm going to take myself off to bed, now. Thank you for reading my rambles without judging or correcting. lol.

Love you all. Good night.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Glad you had fun.