Friday, April 21, 2006

Mommy Moment?

I heard a baby cry from the other side of the house. I automatically got up to go see who was sad. I checked the girls' room only to find they weren't there! I looked down at my arms to make sure that I really was holding Sarah, so it couldn't have been her calling for me. I turned around to investigate further and found that my other two little babies had followed me from the livingroom, curious about my activities. They had been with me the whole time, playing right at my feet when I heard the phantom baby call out.

So if Sarah was in my arms and the twins were at my feet, who's cry did I hear? Either it was the little girl upstairs, or I'm going crazy. Now the real question is, if I knew that my three babies were with me, why did I go and look for another one! (I'm glad I didn't find one . . .)

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

I once woke up in a fit of panic because the "other baby" wasn't in bed with me. Never did find her.