Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I know. There are those of you in my family who have it much worse than I. And I can only imagine what your life is like. I'm not saying that mine is terrible. In fact, I love my life. I have three incredible children and, sorry ladies, the greatest husband a person could ever have.

But when I look around my neighborhood this time of night and see everyone elses husbands coming home from work, I can't help but envy them. Every week night, they come home around the same time, and always by about 5:00! Most of the time, Sam doesn't get home until about 6:30, and that's an early night. He's often walking in just in time for bedtime for the girls, which means he usually just hears them complaining. Sometimes he's even coming home after they've gone to bed, like last night. He wasn't home until after 8:30.

Now, putting my own needs aside, I can't help but feel bad for my husband. He spends all day working for a very demanding and unappreciative boss, comes home to cranky kids, spends his night hoping that if the children wake up, they do so in a way that allows me to handle it so he can get enough sleep to wake up early the next morning to try and make it through another long day.

Now, that last part I said not to complain, but to thank my husband for everything he does! I don't know if he looks at his day that way, and I kind of hope he doesn't, but I know it can't be easy and I am so thankful for him. His trials through the day make it possible for me to stay home with our children!

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Who has it worse than you? You better not be talking about me, because pity is the last thing I'm looking for! Admire my strength, perseverance, ingenuity and endurance, but don't dare pity me!