Friday, April 07, 2006

All Tied Up

The twins just love it when I throw a light little baby blanket over their heads. They get to play peak-a-boo with their sister, or even with a favorite toy. Of course, after they pull it off their heads two or three times, they can't get it to cover their eyes anymore, so they play with the blanket in some other way.

Today, while I was feeding Sarah, Josie's giggles over her blanket turned suddenly to frustrated cries. When I looked up to discover what was wrong, I couldn't help but laugh. There was Josie, on her back, feet up in the air, with the blanket between her legs and a corner in each hand. She just couldn't figure out how to get her legs free of the blanket. I became her hero when I showed her she just had to let go with one hand!

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