Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Three Beautiful Things: Fast, Friends and Ready

Sarah is growing much faster that I am usually aware. Last night she devoured half a bowl of peas. I didn't realize she could eat them whole like that already! I had been mushing them up for her, but she was much happier doing it all herself. I wonder what else she can do?

Katie and Josie have become such good friends with their cousin Angie. And you can tell that Angie loves playing with them because she gets so very excited to see them and upset to leave them. I'm so glad my children have a nearby cousin to play with!

Tonight's dinner is ready to go and it has been since about 2:00. Very little work needs to be done right before we eat and it is truly a beautiful thing to know that I won't be rushed a hurried and unable to relax and enjoy a meal with my family! Perhaps I should prepare like this more often . . .

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

Angie giggles with delight everytime I mention that we're going to see Katie, Josie and Baby Sarah or Grandma. She literally runs to the door, expecting to hop in the car and be whisked away to the appropriate house. I love to watch Angie with her little cousins, since she doesn't get to interact with many other babies.

See you this weekend!