Tuesday, November 07, 2006


This past week or so has been so amazing for Katie and Josie. Suddenly everything in their world is making sense to them and they are so proud!

They are now aware of the difference between Katie and Josie and they know which one they are.

Josie, last week while we were grocery shopping, suddenly decided to practice a phrase I said and she repeated it until she had it right. The following morning she taught Katie and they can now both ask for apple juice instead of just plain old juice.

They know the name or label for just about everything we run into during our day and they have started showing interest in describing each thing. For example, they know that the grapes are purple in their book.

They try to say the alphabet, though it usually goes 'A, B, O!' and they have started pointing at things a counting them, though the numbers get a little mixed up.

I'm just so amazed by them and I love watching their little minds soak up everything they see and hear.

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