Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Pretty Good Day!

This morning I was surprised to hear my sweet husband getting the twins from their cribs. He usually leaves for work before they get up and I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. He greeted them with a happy "good morning" and ushered them into the living room where juice and Cheerios were waiting for them. I got up to see what was happening.

"I decided to stay home from work today and enjoy my family!"

Well, needless to say, I was quite fine with that and I went to get myself dressed and ready for the day while he played with the girls.

I asked Josie what she wanted for breakfast and she replied "Wakkies!" so I set my self about the task of making some waffle batter when Sam told me that my mother called and, upon hearing Sam's voice, said she wouldn't bother us with a visit. While mixing batter I called her back and told her not to be ridiculous so she came over for a nice morning visit before she went to work. Josie, who had been asking about "Manga" for a day and a half, was very happy about that!

I spent about a half an hour on the phone with a fantastic customer service rep from Esurance named David. By the way, if you need insurance at a reasonable rate, they really are great and their customer service is always incredible!

After a perfectly lovely morning the twins were tired and ready for a nap. After seeing to them I fed Sarah, who very sweetly fell asleep in my arms. After settling her down and making sure all my papers were together, I went and registered the '69 Buick Skylark Convertible that my father-in-law gave us a few weeks ago. (I know . . . it's strange . . . but I'll talk more about this in another post)

Upon my arrival back home I found Sam with a happy, wide-awake Sarah. It seems we are making progress there (more in another post . . .) Sam went out and put brand new plates on the Buick and took it for a spin. Literally! After driving around for a few minutes he went just up the street and did a burn-out. Then he parked right in front of the house and winced as a cop car drove by . . .

I got to take the car out after Sam and let me tell you, folks, there is nothing quite like driving around in a convertible! You feel much more a part of the environment you are driving through and it makes you much more aware of what you are doing.

Then, when I got home the second time, it was to find that Sam's computer had arrived! He purchased a new computer with all the right components for him to do his drafting work from home. He is hoping to run a side business for freelance drafting work from the basement. If it works out right, it's going to be really great! (So if you know of anyone who needs drawings for any reason, give us a buzz . . .)

We enjoyed an incredibly satisfying meal of beans with ham and cornbread and right now, my sweet darling is playing with his new toy.

So, now that you know what I've been up to today, what was your day like?

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