Saturday, September 09, 2006

My, Oh My!

Sarah, just 6 1/2 months old, stands pretty well if she has something to hang on to. She pulls herslef up all the time in her crib or cradle, depending on where she was sleeping, and if you stand her by the couch, she'll balance herself there quite nicely.

Last night, September 8th, around 8:30 or so, Sarah was showing off for her Daddy and Grandma Jordan, who had dinner with us. She stood by the couch, let go with one hand, turning towards me (I was sitting on the floor), let go with the other hand and took a step and a half to get to me!

We all just stared at her in disbelief. Sarah smiled happily at having reached her goal (me), while, after a beat of stunned silence, the rest of us simultaniously uttered things like "Did you see that?!", and "Oh my goodness!"

It was really quite exciting!!

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

Congratulations Sarah! I always react with incredulity first and excitement later. . .seems she's always catching me of guard too!