Monday, September 04, 2006

Long Awaited Pictures

Sorry I've taken so long to get some pictures up. My computer has been painfully slow lately and I just don't have the patience.

Here is a pretty bad picture, but I thought it was kind of neat. It's Katie, Josie and Angie with Grandma Russell and Aunt Beckie watching me from my bay window. If the kids look exceptionally tall, it's because they are standing on the window seat while Grandma and Aunt Beckie protect them from falling. (For the record, Aunt Beckie is only "Aunt" to two of these three children. She owns the middle one!)

Here is Sarah in her high chair, just like her sisters. She loves it up here. Her favorite food right now is Cheerios because she can get them in her mouth pretty easily when Mommy gives her a big pile of them.

I love 'bath hair' pictures and, well, this is the best bath hair picture I could get with Sarah. You see, she doesn't really have much hair yet. After this picture, her hair dried this way, with that little curl sticking out the top of her head! In fact, as thin as her hair is, I think it dried while I took this picture.

I promise I will post some more pictures soon of Katie and Josie, but for now,

That's All, Folks!


Anonymous said...

I love it. The little 'bip' on the top of her head... that's just adorable - well more adorable...


Jennie C. said...

Bacon?! You have a category for bacon?! Are you planning a regular bacon feature? Perhaps bacon recipes? Extremely curious!