Sunday, September 24, 2006

In Search Of Chocolate . . .

Last night I felt restless after the babies went to bed. We had been to Mommy's and Daddy's for dinner and had a fantastic meal there. I was full. Mostly.

I needed something. The chocolate bar on the counter wasn't going to do it, so I just left it alone. No. I needed something more substantial. I nearly went to the store to see if I could find something in the bakery there, but I talked myself out of it. I would just be waisting time and money.

So I hopped online and found a great recipe for exactly what I needed. And, with my pantry fairly well stocked, I had everything I needed on hand! A few minutes of measuring and mixing (Aunt Eileen's song running through my mind . . .) netted me a kitchen full of incredibly decadent aromas. Now, I just had to wait for it to finish baking.

I sat with Sam watching a movie (Forbidden Planet: An old sci-fi flick that, for the time, wasn't bad!) and I nearly sprang from the couch when I heard the timer beep. I didn't even wait for it to cool off. I plated two large pieces of Fudgy Fudge Brownies and poured two tall glasses of milk. A moment later, my need for a gooey, fudgy chocolate anything was satisfied!

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