Saturday, September 23, 2006

Another Quote

I know. I just posted a quote from Katie yesterday, but this one was really cute and I have to share it before I forget it!

We were all sitting at the table having dinner, Katie and Josie talking to each other, us and their food as usual. I turned to spoon a mound of apricot with cereal into Sarah's gaping mouth when all of a sudden I hear Katie proclaim: "This is pork loin!"

Sam looked at her and said "Pork loin, huh?" and I just started to laugh. She really had said it. I wasn't imagining things!

Were we eating pork loin, you wonder? Or any kind of pork for that matter, for at 18 months, she's allowed to mistake loin for shoulder.

We were, in fact, eating meat filled tortellini, so maybe she thought it was filled with pork . . . Although I have to say, I'm pretty certain that I've never mentioned the phrase "pork loin" in her presence.

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

Sometimes they come out with the darndest things, and you can't figure out where they may have heard it said. And often, it just turns out to be sounds they were trying out that sounded like something real to us. It's too much fun listening to these babies learn to talk!