Thursday, July 13, 2006

Trivia Question #3

Americans bake a lot of pies, from fruit to cream, even savory (example: Chicken Pot Pies). What specific kind of pie is baked more in the U.S. than all other pies combined?

** This Question is worth 1 point **

*** You can join the game anytime! ***


Our lovestory... said...


Jennie C. said...

My first guess was apple, too, but I'm going to go with pumpkin.

Jennie C. said...

What do we do with our points? Can we redeem them for prizes?

Beckie Russell said...

Ooooh, jennie stole my pumpkin answer. I'm going with key lime pie.

Anonymous said...


Our lovestory... said...

So, I was so inspired by Sandie that I am going to emulate her and do some trivia questions of my own. I posted one today - please come and visit!


Jennie C. said...

Well? Your question has slipped off your main page, so now you have to tell us the answer.