Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No more Questions

It seems interest in trivia questions was very short lived.

The answer to the last question, if you care, was "Rhapsody In Blue." It completely amazes me that this piece, at a little over 15 minutes in performance length, could have been written in just three weeks! Gershwin wrote such an amazing collection of music.

Another composer who I find interesting is Irving Berlin. He wrote a ton of songs that were sung and played by everyone! He was very prolific. But he didn't know how to play in different keys, so he had a piano specially made with a keyboard that slid up or down, aligning the key he knew (The key of C) with any key he needed. Amazing that someone so famous and excellent at he craft didn't know the different key signatures. That's one of the first things we teach!

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

I don't like trivia, personally. I know a lot of nitty-gritty details about oscure topics, but they interest me. I don't really care what a plus sign is called, since no one, not even a math teacher (Beckie!) ever calls it anything but a plus sign. Glad your going back to regular posting!