Friday, July 28, 2006

How Not Having Many Teeth Can Lead To Kissing!

Blueberries. The twins love blueberries. Very little can distract them when there are uneaten berries in their line of sight.

Today, since they were nice and cheap at the grocery store earlier in the week, we had some for an afternoon snack. If I had allowed it, they would have eaten the whole package! But I digress.

To keep things fair, I give one berry to one baby and then another berry to the other baby. We go back and forth and they have learned a lot about taking turns this way.

Today, I started with Josie, just because she happened to be nearest to the berry bin. Katie watched my hand carry the berry to Josie's mouth. When the berry was popped into Josie's mouth, Katies attention moved from my hand to the mouth that hid the berry. Since Josie only has front teeth to chew her berry with, she made a sort of pucker face which Katie took to mean "Kisses!" So she kissed her sister. Then it was Katie's turn for a berry and, watching the berry every moment, Josie was drawn to Katie's pucker face. More kisses!

Back and forth we went, enjoying sisterly lovin' with each berry. An excellent snack, I think.


Anonymous said...

I would have loved to see that. I love when they kiss each other.

Jennie C. said...

That is so cute!

Beckie Russell said...


Niki said...

That is just TOOO cute! Too bad there aren't any pictures of Blueberry Kisses!