Friday, July 21, 2006


I got to help a baby today. Not my baby. Someone elses. A very cute little baby from a home that doesn't want her. Just 5 months old, she found herself unloved and uncared for.

Last night, she was placed with an emergency foster parent who will have her until Monday. Then, she will be processed into the foster system and no one knows what will happen to her. I helped the woman who is loving her for the weekend by giving her formula, diapers, wipes, blankets and toys to use in the care of this sweet little darling. When we met earlier today, she told me that she likes to take the babies in. The older children are harder because they come with so much emotional baggage. Many of them have been "in the system" for so long that they don't know what a home is supposed to be. She felt it was very likely that the same thing would happen to the little girl she had today.

I am so sad to think of all the little babies in the world who are unloved and unwanted. What a terrible way to begin life! I want to help, but I don't know how...


The Davison Family said...

It is so heartbreaking to think that some parents do not want their children. Foster care is a system that, though flawed, attempts to help. I hope you can find a way to follow your heart and help.

Beckie Russell said...

Perhaps what you are doing now, helping out people who help out, is the way to go. Even though you cannot take the babies in yourself, you can help those who do.

Jennie C. said...

It is a goal of mine to either adopt or become foster parents. I'd prefer adoption, because you get so attached to children, but at last check, which was some years ago, David prefered fostering. I don't know what I'm waiting for...I guess for the challenge of taking care of my own babies to pass. I've never not had a baby in the house. (Although we were once out of diapers for three months!)

Beckie Russell said...

Have you thought of fostering older kids? Or just of young ones?