Thursday, July 06, 2006


Beckie posted about her bad telephone habits and Jennie left a comment that I hadn't returned her phone call from two weeks ago. It seems I'm not very good at telephone conversations either! (though I guess that isn't much of a surprise to anyone! lol)

I always feel awkward on the phone and, unless I have a particular agenda, I don't really call anyone. I agree with Beckie in that I much prefer to be in someones company than to speak with them on the phone. But i see Jennie's point, too, that for sisters and friends who live so far away, what other choice do we have?

It takes work to get a phone relationship going and I guess it's work that I haven't been willing to make time for. I often think about calling my far away sisters and I think what will we talk about? What do I have to say? Do I have two hours to spend on the phone right now? Usually the answers to these questions are enough to turn me away from the phone.

I'm sorry! I promise I'll try harder. But don't expect a call today! lol

Today I start teaching piano again, and I have a bit more to do to get ready.


Jennie C. said...

Who said the conversation has to last two hours? Maybe it will, and that would mean that conversation is flowing easily, but if doesn't, say "Hey, the babies are about to jump off the dining room table. Gotta go!" Then go. Kids give you ready-made excuses to get out of jail free. ;-)

Niki said...

Like you have to explain yourself! I've known this for YEARS. It's a given! ;)

The Davison Family said...

No one expects great things from the conversation. We don't know you, and it will take time, lots of time, to build a working relationship. Jennie and I had a very akward time of it in the beginning. Even when we "met" for the first time after our conversations were going very well for a while, it was nerveracking. You never know what to expect.

The phone is a great thing because we can't see what the other is doing. All it takes is a "oops, the kids are getting into trouble" and the conversation is over. Don't let time constraints stop you.

By the way, the phone works two ways. I could call you too.

Love you!