I went to a wedding on Saturday and had the greatest time. The kids were with my mom, so Sam and I were able to enjoy adult conversation about things other than babies. It was really wonderful.
However, I didn't feed Sarah from about 9:30 am until nearly 6:00 that day, and by the time I got back to her, I was a little bit sore. The following morning (Sunday) I was still sore, so I pulled out my book and discovered that I had a plugged milk duct. A little heat, rest and lots of nursing should help it. I tried that, but as the day wore on, I felt worse and worse. By late afternoon I had a fever and felt like I'd been run over by a truck (otherwise known as flu-like symptoms.) Another read and I discovered that I now have an infection called mastitis. If my fever should peak over 101.5 I need to call the doctor, also if symptoms don't clear up after 24 hours.
Well, here I sit with a fever of 101.6, a complete lack of energy and a bunch of kids to handle. My mother-in-law is coming over to help a little later and to watch the kids while I go to the doctor at 2:00.
When I'm feeling a little better, I'll let you know what happened.
I'm soo sorry. Just for future reference, when you're out all day, you should still bring pumping supplies with you so that you avoid this problem.
Too bad Mommy is (was) babysitting at my house while this was going on. Otherwise, you could have asked her to watch the kids.
Hope you feel better soon!
I've never left a nursing baby and I've still gotten plugged ducts. A hot water bottle and extra nursing on the plugged side always helps, though it still hurts for a few days. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.
Meg was eleven months old and still nursing a couple of times a day when I took a trip to Poland. (Kind of negates that never statement above, huh? Ok, but she was only lightly nursing!) By the time I got home, my breasts were HUGE, and I didn't stop even to say hello to Davey. 11pm, I went right upstairs, woke her up and had her nurse them back down to a managable size!
I hope you are feeling better. I have been watching your post, so I assume you are still not feeling well. We are worried about you!
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