Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Poem

I made up a poem for Sarah just a few minutes ago as we sat and watched the world out the front window.

The world's a little wet today,
Because the clouds came out to play.
They're not good at sharing toys,
So they spread tears instead of joy.

The leaves all droop in sad despair,
Because the sun just isn't there!
The raindrops fall for an hour or so,
Making the road, like a river, flow.

Wait! The Sun is shining bright,
Shining, beaming with all her might!
Now that she's smiling, flowers can bloom,
They need, not just water, but sunlight, too.

A beautiful rainbow is filling the sky,
I guess rains not so bad . . .

Once it's gone by!

Okay, so the sun didn't really come out, flowers didn't spontaneously bloom and there was no rainbow, but it seemed a nice ending to me!

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

That's quite cute. I'm impressed that you were able to rhyme it all on the spur of the moment. I can never do that out loud.