Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Little Help?

I'll be giving piano lessons again starting July 5th and I'm about to pu out flyers that include the web address for my music blog. So . . . if you were in my area, and in the market for piano lessons, what information would you want to see that isn't there? (The flyer you are getting in your mailbox offers a $199.00 special for the summer, which includes 9 private lessons and books.)

The link for the music site is at the top of my side bar. Please give a click over there and take a quick look. If you have any suggestions, please post them here, not at the music site! Thanks!!


Jennie C. said...

Actually, I read your site when you posted the glocks and I thought it was very good. Contact and enrollment info is all there. The only thing I didn't like was the type at the top. It in all caps and the spacing is uniform and it's hard to tell the difference between periods and commas.

The Davison Family said...

Are there specific hours that you run the school? Days of the week?

That is all I would want to know, especially since you have children and have made that public knowledge on the site.

Good luck!!!

Beckie Russell said...

The ellipsis between the Tuesday and Thursday, as well as the hours on those days makes it seem like it's a range of days and hours, rather than just those specific days and those specific times. Perhaps doing it in two separate lists, since you can't use tabs.