Monday, May 08, 2006

Sarah Grew Yesterday . . .

All the signs were there. She had been nursing more and more frequently and sleeping more. Of course that didn't really dawn on me until after I realized what happened.

Late yesterday morning, I changed Sarah into a footed pajama. Her feet were close to reaching all the way to the bottom, but they fit her just fine.

That night, she started crying and crying. I tried nursing her again. No luck. I tried giving her a binky. That wasn't it. I had just changed her diaper, but I decided to double check it. By this time she was screaming mad at me for not fixing whatever the problem was. As I checked her diaper, which was fine, by the way, I realized that her legs couldn't stretch out in her pajamas. In fact, my poor little baby was all scrunched up in her clothes!

Sarah had outgrown her newborn clothes in a matter of no more than eight hours!


Jennie C. said...

Yup, it happens that fast. Usually overnight, though.

Beckie Russell said...

Weird stuff, huh?