Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mystery Solved . . .

"Why don't you go double check the living room to make sure it's safe for me to let the babies out . . ."

"Okay," says dopey Sandie. Out I go . . . and there in the middle of the living room floor is . . .

In the photos, it's on our dining room table, to keep tiny hands away from it.

Here's a close up . . .

Isn't it beautiful?! It sounds wonderful, too! Such a deep, mellow sound. In my excitement I tuned it too quickly and broke the top string, though. How quickly I forget the rules.

In college, I had the fortune to take a string instrument class, where I learned the basics of playing a cello. I was quite good at it, and the teacher, who was head of the strings department at the time, very nearly talked me into changing instrument majors! I've been longing for one ever since and, somehow, my sweetie managed to do it for me!!!


The Davison Family said...

Happy Birthday!

Did it come with lessons?

Beckie Russell said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! Love you, sorry I can't be there for dinner and cake!

Anonymous said...

Daddy and I enjoyed dinner with Sandie and Sam on her birthday and the cello is absolutely beautiful.

Sandie is going to love playing it and the girls will love the sound of beautiful music.

Happy Birthday Sandie and enjoy your cello.

Way to go Sam!
