Monday, May 08, 2006

Mystery Box

Sam had warned me it was coming. "Just put a note on the front door for FedEx to leave it in the back if you aren't going to be home," he'd said. "It's small."

I returned home to find a very large box, about chin height, sitting by my back door. 'Don't look at the label,' I told myself. I didn't. Instead, I called Sam to let him know that it had arrived, but it wan't a small box. "It's not? Maybe they sent the wrong thing. Is it in the sun?" Sun?? Hmm. Well, of course it was in the sun. The back deck is in full sun from about 11:00 until the sun sets. "Could you move it inside so it's not in the sun?" He had considered this very carefully before asking. I was supposed to be careful not to tip it as I moved it for fear that I would figure it out. Not wanting to spoil the surprise, and knowing that my birthday wasn't too far away, I carefully lifted the box by the plastic strap that surrounded it. Hmm . . . not too heavy. Not super light, either. I made space for it in the kitchen and there it sits still.

For days, I have been looking at this human sized box, wondering what could be hidden inside it. Sam joked over the weekend, "It's a Hobart Mixer!" (That's the huge kind they use in big bakeries etc. that can hold 50 lbs of flour and all the other ingredients to go along with it) I know it can't be that unless they make them really light! lol

I guess I'll find out tomorrow what's huge and light and can't be left in the sun . . .

1 comment:

The Davison Family said...

An early Happy Birthday to You!!! Hope you have a great one, Sandie!
