Monday, May 15, 2006

An interesting word

Are you interested? I am! I have found that since I am home all the time, I don't have reason to use my brain much. It's such a shame, too, because my brain used to work really well! But as of late, it's failing miserably! So I've decided to do a few things to help it work again. One of these is to try to learn a new word every day. Todays word:

Multifarious (said: muhl-tuh-FAIR-ee-uhs) and I suppose you can guess it's meaning if you've never heard it before. It means having great diversity or variety.

Quick creative writing challenge: A standard paragraph (5 sentences) creatively illustrating this word and it's meaning! I'm looking forward to seeing what my very clever readers come up with!

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Not fair! Because, though it is your brain in need of stimulation, you have written nothing yourself. The rest of us can't do the work for you!