Monday, May 15, 2006

Dreary Day

It's not nice out.

Days like this always seem to make me a little less happy. No, not depressed or grumpy, or even sad. I'm just not my naturally happy self. The rain and clouds covering the sun seem to make it more difficult to find the joyful things that I usually see. They are still there, of course, just hiding. So I decided to peek under some likely hiding places to find them, and look what I found under my dishes:

It's my beautifully shiny sink! Now, that made me smile. Maybe I'll try cleaning up something else to make me smile.

Then I started looking around the kitchen for something else nice, and I found my hot cup of coffee. It starts my day every morning.

Is it odd that I took a picture of that? Oh well.

Then I found my children eating breakfast! (Okay . . .I didn't just find them, I knew where they were!) Happly talking to their bananas as if the sky wasn't grey and crying.

I didn't want to wake up Sarah by taking a picture of her, but she makes me smile, too! Here's a picture of her from the other day . . .

I guess I'll just keep looking for happy things today. Even though they are hard to find, they are still there.


Jennie C. said...

Sweet post!

Beckie Russell said...

sweet and creative!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I knew there was a shiny sink in that kitchen. It looks great.

And of course our babies are beautiful.

Sunny days are coming soon.

Hang in there.
Love you