Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Court Continued

We were met with moderate success today, in our quest to end our difficulties with Joe Frucci. We met with the county prosecutor who listened to us with great interest. He reviewed our evidence of Joes insanity (lots of police reports) and shook his head in amazement. He said that usually, cases of this nature are sent back to the municipality to handle, rather than the county, but in our case he was going to keep it right where it was. He would offer Joe a deal that would include probation, a condition of which would be that he is allowed no where near us or our families. He didn't expect Joe to accept the deal, though, and told us that we would most likely be in court within a month in front of a grand jury.

Joe was there with what appeared to be his lawyer. They were smiling and being generally jovial, apparently assuming that it would be sent to our municipality and amount to very little. We've been quite happy all day imagining the expression on his face when he discovered that it's not so easy to push us around anymore!

1 comment:

The Davison Family said...

A small victory, but hopefully, it will lead to a larger one for you.